You may be familiar with the program formerly referred to as “Ash GAP Removal and…

Colorado tree climbing company raises EAB awareness
DENVER — Enjoying trees from the ground is great in its own right. But for Harv Teitelbaum, he gains a whole new appreciation for trees once he’s up in the midst of one.
That’s why Teitelbaum started Tree Climbing Colorado alongside his partner Griëtte van der Heide 15 years ago: to help people — especially kids — begin to see and appreciate trees in a whole new light. The two spoke with the Columbine Courier about their efforts to raise a greater level of appreciation for trees, including their recent endeavor to help the City of Denver raise emerald ash borer awareness at the International Society of Arboriculture’s annual tree climbing competition in Washington Park this summer.
“You can’t believe how a tree looks different from up there,” van der Heide told the Courier. “It changes everything.”
(Photo Credit: Chancey Bush, Evergreen Newspapers)