You may be familiar with the program formerly referred to as “Ash GAP Removal and…
Keep Leaves Out of Landfills
Once again, we’re excited to partner with our friends at Denver Public Works, Denver Recycles and Ace Hardware to give away FREE 5-packs of compostable 30-gallon paper leaf bags to help Denver residents keep leaves out of landfills!

Unlike plastic bags, these brown paper bags can be composted along with the leaves; saving time and reducing plastic waste in our landfills. This fall, Be a Smart Ash and compost your leaves.
- Download a coupon for free and compost-friendly leaf bags.
- Redeem your leaf bag coupon at an Ace Hardware store near you by printing it or showing it to a cashier. See a map of participating locations here.
- Fill the paper bags with your leaves.
- Drop off your paper leaf bags at your nearest Denver LeafDrop site.