You may be familiar with the program formerly referred to as “Ash GAP Removal and…
Denver Ash Tree Removal and Replacement
Knowing you Denverites are likely spending more time at home and in your yards than in previous summers, we want to help you learn more about how you can help protect and preserve Denver’s urban canopy and specifically, what the City Forestry team is doing this year to help combat a relentless ash tree insect.
You may be familiar with the Be A Smart Ash program, and you may have heard that the threat of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) on 1 in 6 of Denver’s trees is imminent. The Q&A below will help explain what the City Forestry team is doing in select neighborhoods to combat EAB; i.e. removing ash trees in poor condition in your right-of-way and how they will replace that tree with a free tree – regardless of whether you have an ash tree – to help bolster and diversify our precious urban canopy.
Why will this tree be removed?
The ash trees are at risk for an invasive insect called Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) that kills the trees very quickly. Removing the ash trees that are in poor condition will slow the spread of the destructive insect.
What is the cost?
The tree removal, stump grind and replanting of a new tree is at no cost to the homeowner.
Which tree will be removed?
Homeowners eligible for right-of-way removal and replacement of their ash trees will be contacted by the Office of the City Forester. Only select small (12 inches or less in DBH) ash trees in poor condition in the public right-of-way (PRW) will be removed. The PRW is the area between your property line and the street owned by the City of Denver. If you feel that you have a small, poor condition ash tree that is eligible for this program, please email for more information.

When will the tree be removed?
Tree and stump will be removed throughout the winter of 2020 and into 2021.
What about the stump?
The tree and the stump will be removed by our contractors.
Can I opt-out of the program?
The trees are in poor condition and should be removed. The homeowner will have to pay for the tree removal at a later date themselves if they choose to opt-out of the program.
Can my other trees be removed?
No, only ash trees in poor condition in the right-of-way will be removed.
Can you remove my private property tree?
No, only ash trees in poor condition in the right-of-way are eligible.
Can I treat the tree?
These trees are in poor conditions and are not good candidates for being treated for Emerald Ash Borer (EAB).
Replacement Tree
Do I have to get a new tree?
Only homes that opt in to the BASA replacement tree program will receive a new tree. Homeowners can opt-out of our free tree program at any time. However, there are many benefits to new trees. The new tree will be at no-cost to the homeowner, and the City of Denver will even water the tree for one year.
What type of tree will be planted?
It depends on availability, but our foresters pick out trees that are best suited for the location. Typically, a tree is selected from this list of city-approved street trees.
When will a new tree be planted?
Replacement tree(s) will be planted beginning in the Spring of 2021 if there is adequate space for a new tree. Click to learn more about the space needed in the right-of-way.
Will the new tree be planted in the same spot?
Any new trees must meet our spacing requirements and will be sited by our foresters for distance from stop signs, water meter, driveways, etc.
Can I get more than one tree?
We hope so! We will place as many new trees as there is space for in the right-of-way.
Will you plant on my private property?
No, Denver Forestry only plants in the public right-of-way.