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Three Ways to Get a Free Tree in Denver

Be A Smart Ash

Since the launch of Be A Smart Ash, the Office of the City Forester has planted thousands of free trees in the public right-of-way for Denver residents. Applying online is easy, and a tree professional will carefully evaluate your space, determine the appropriate tree for your property and, if you qualify, the new tree will be delivered and planted along with specific instructions on how to immediately provide the best care for your tree to ensure a healthy future. This program is open to property owners residing in single-family residential properties across the city of Denver.

GAP Program

Since one in six trees in Denver is an ash, it’s certain that when emerald ash borer (EAB) is discovered here, there will be some tree loss, leaving noticeable gaps in our beautiful tree canopy. To proactively combat EAB and prevent inevitable tree gaps, the Office of the City Forester launched the GAP Ash Removal & Replacement Program to remove and replace smaller, poor-condition ash trees in the public right-of-way throughout the city. Residents interested in this program can apply online.

Forestry Neighborhood Initiative

In 2021, Denver’s Office of the City Forester launched the Denver Forestry Neighborhood Initiative, which is dedicated to pruning or removing trees that pose a risk to public safety.  This program operates in neighborhoods of greatest need.

Property owners in neighborhoods of greatest need, who have a hazard tree that has been identified by a forestry inspector for free tree maintenance, will receive a letter and postcard from the Office of the City Forester outlining which service(s) they qualify for and how to obtain them.

The free trees provided by the Office of the City Forester are a public amenity and must be planted in the public right-of-way, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore the opportunity to plant a tree in your yard. We strongly encourage you to enlist a tree care professional to help you evaluate and care for your existing and new trees – ash or otherwise.

For more information about any of these programs, email or call the Denver Office of the City Forester at 720-913-0651.

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