A New Look to Our Ash Removal & Replacement Program

You may be familiar with the program formerly referred to as “Ash GAP Removal and Replacement,” which was started in 2020 to address a “gap” in our response to the invasive Emerald Ash Borer (EAB). The program removes small ash trees in poor condition to reduce host material for EAB. This program, along with our Be a Smart Ash Planting Program and Be a Smart Ash Treatment Program, aims to lessen the damage caused by EAB when it eventually reaches Denver.
In 2024, we refreshed the GAP program name to Ash Removal & Replacement and updated the process of accepting applications and scheduling removals. The no-cost program targets small, poor condition ash trees in the public right-of-way within the City and County of Denver and accepts applications year-round.
To improve the efficiency and timeliness of assessing ash trees and scheduling removals, beginning in 2024, the program will alternate between west and east Denver annually. In 2024, we will operate the program in west Denver, and in 2025, we will focus on east Denver. Moving forward, removals in west Denver will occur during even years and removals in east Denver will occur during odd years.

EAB has been confirmed in multiple front range Colorado cities but has not yet been identified in Denver. We hope our proactive efforts in Denver reduce EAB’s impact on our urban forest. To learn more about the Ash Removal & Replacement program and eligibility requirements, please visit our page here: https://beasmartash.org/ashreplacement/. If you have questions about the program or a forestry-related issue, contact us at Tree@denvergov.org or 720.913.0651.