You may be familiar with the program formerly referred to as “Ash GAP Removal and…

Make your emerald ash borer plan at the Colorado Garden & Home Show
DENVER — Looking to find out if you have an ash tree vulnerable to emerald ash borer? Want to learn how to protect your ash tree from the most destructive forest pest in U.S. history? Would you like to discover a way to cost-effectively turn any urban tree you may need to remove into a functional and beautiful wood product?
Then you need to stop by the Be A Smart Ash booth at the 2017 Colorado Garden & Home Show at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver from Feb. 4-12!
Emerald ash borer (EAB) has already destroyed hundreds of millions of ash trees, causing billions of dollars in damage in more than 25 states. And while it may not have arrived in Denver yet, EAB was discovered in Boulder in 2013 and in Longmont just last year. So in reality, it’s only a matter of time before EAB arrives in the Mile High City and poses a direct threat to the Metro area’s 1.45 million ash trees.
That’s right folks: 1 in 6 Denver trees is an ash, and you may not even realize that you have one in your front yard or a nearby right-of-way.
But here’s the good news: You can stop by our booth (#1006) at the Colorado Garden & Home Show and identify all the Denver ash trees near you with the click of a button. Using our interactive map, you can simply enter your address and find all the ash trees in your area. You can even find out if/when Denver ash trees in the public right-of-way are scheduled to be treated.
If it turns out you have an ash, we can also help you begin to develop your EAB defense plan. If you want to treat your ash, we can provide a list of certified tree professionals. If you want to remove your ash, we can help you apply for a free tree to replace it. And if you need help deciding whether you should treat or replace your ash, we’ll have certified arborists from Denver’s Office of the City Forester on hand to answer all your questions.
Finally, the unfortunate reality is that we will lose some of our urban ash trees to EAB. But once again, there’s a silver lining. If you have to remove an ash or any tree on your property, we can connect you with local members of the woodworking community who will happily give your tree a second life as a functional wood product.
Whether you’d be interested in turning your tree into a product as large as a table, chair, door, bed frame or support beam for a house, or even a product as small as a set of bowls, a cutting board or a bicycle (yes, a bicycle!) there are Colorado woodworkers near you who would be happy to help you do just that.
For more information about the Colorado Garden & Home Show, including hours and ticket prices, click here. Want to follow us on social media to make sure you keep up with the latest emerald ash borer news after the Colorado Garden & Home Show? Follow us on Twitter at @BeASmartAsh and track the #BeASmartAsh hashtag across social media.